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Free speech contested by baker, NFL

Distinguish between these two situations:

♦ Claiming their First Amendment right to free expression is being violated, professional football players, under pressure from the federal government, face fines for refusing to stand during the National Anthem. ♦ Claiming his First Amendment right to free expression is being violated, a professional baker, under pressure from the federal government, is fined for refusing to bake a wedding cake for a same-sex couple. (more…) Continue Reading →

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Opinion: This is what domestic violence looks like


Many media outlets are saying New York’s former attorney general, Eric Schneiderman, resigned last week because of accusations of assault or sexual assault. But, it’s not accurate to label the accusations against him as only assault or sexual assault. Clearly, his alleged abusive and controlling behaviors fall under the description of domestic violence. (more…) Continue Reading →

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Montana Viewpoint: A tip of the hat to public employees


Last week was Public Service Recognition Week, an event that seems to have largely gone unnoticed despite a proclamation from President Trump saying, in part:

“Members of our Federal, State, and local workforces bring incredible skills, tireless dedication, and selfless service to a broad range of career fields. Our Nation’s civil servants include teachers, mail carriers, first responders, transit workers, and law enforcement officers. Our Federal employees underpin nearly all the operations of our Government.” (more…) Continue Reading →

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Opinion: GOP and the sales tax—Here we go again


A Montana Republican legislative leader suggests that the GOP back a sales tax. Senate President and former Speaker of the House Scott Sales said in a recent radio interview that Republicans should do so as a way of eliminating our state income tax. Given Montanans’ historical opposition to the sales tax idea, Sales’ advocacy on behalf of the GOP reminds me of the proverbial tale of the frog and the scorpion. A scorpion asks a frog to swim it across a river on its back. The frog hesitates, afraid of being stung by the scorpion, drowning both of them. Continue Reading →

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