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Opinion: GOP and the sales tax—Here we go again


A Montana Republican legislative leader suggests that the GOP back a sales tax. Senate President and former Speaker of the House Scott Sales said in a recent radio interview that Republicans should do so as a way of eliminating our state income tax. Given Montanans’ historical opposition to the sales tax idea, Sales’ advocacy on behalf of the GOP reminds me of the proverbial tale of the frog and the scorpion. A scorpion asks a frog to swim it across a river on its back. The frog hesitates, afraid of being stung by the scorpion, drowning both of them. Continue Reading →

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Prairie Lights: Conrad Burns—the good, the bad and the ugly


The late Sen. Conrad Burns was an inspirational public figure. He inspired roughly half the population to love him and the other half to hate him. The thin margin between love and loathing was never more apparent than during his fourth and final Senate run, which he lost by just a few thousand votes. (more…) Continue Reading →

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Guest Opinion: New House rules blatantly unfair


The new speaker of the House recently proposed, then rescinded, a dress code he was trying to impose on the Montana Legislature. While there was a great deal of negative press regarding this issue, there are other, more dangerous rules that are being forced upon the Legislature by a minority within the GOP leadership. These rules range from being simply insulting to Democrats to being extremely dangerous to the legislative process. The following are a few of them. (more…) Continue Reading →

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