
Recent Posts

Stella Fong charts Billings’ culinary history in new book


In earlier times, apparently, restaurant-goers in Billings were big on flesh, as well as variety. On the menu of the St. Louis Café, formerly located at 2507 Montana Ave., there were more than 30 items under the heading of “Meats.” Offerings included fried kidney, weiner wurst, beef liver with bacon, brains scrambled with eggs, chipped beef in cream, veal chops and half a spring chicken. (more…) Continue Reading →

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One kosher food delivery, then 15 minutes of fame

El Al

Kat Healy didn’t think her act of kindness of behalf of a group of stranded travelers last weekend was that big a deal. “Honestly, my mom and I did not think it was a story,” she said. A lot of other people apparently did. The tale of their efforts to provide kosher food for passengers on an El Al Airlines flight out of Israel that made an unplanned stop at Billings Logan International Airport on Sunday was reported by the Billings Gazette and then picked up by newspapers and websites around the world. (more…) Continue Reading →

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Food drive part of busy week for VISTA volunteers


This is a busy week for Shametrius Long. Long, who is in Billings with AmericCorps Volunteers in Service to America, was the main organizer of two events being held today to examine aspects of hunger and homelessness. And working with another Vista, Sade Johnson, Long organized a food drive this week that will help Family Service Inc. prepare Thanksgiving boxes for needy families. (more…) Continue Reading →

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Baking skill, business smarts launch 10-year-old’s career


Before he founded his own bread-making business last year, 10-year-old Ian Wollschlager had had a few other entrepreneurial ideas. One involved creating an indoor go-kart racing track, for which he created his own plans. “He’s really good at art, so he drew the whole schematic,” said his mother, Lotus Wollschlager. But his father, David Wollschlager, thought maybe the idea was a little too big. (more…) Continue Reading →

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Another reprimand issued to BPD Officer Morrison


Billings police Officer Grant Morrison, who was reprimanded for being cited by Laurel police for keeping pot-bellied pigs at his home and who recently pleaded not guilty to a state charge of possessing unlawfully captured deer fawns, has also been reprimanded for wrongfully obtaining criminal justice information for his private use. A “corrective action form” issued to Morrison in September, and obtained by Last Best News in a public information request, said the officer was given a written reprimand after seeking information for private use from the Criminal Justice Information Network and the National Crime Information Center. (more…) Continue Reading →

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Bank to pay $2 million for ‘mistaken’ foreclosure


A District Court jury has awarded a Billings man just over $2 million in his action against a bank that foreclosed on and sold a house that he and his wife had purchased outright for cash two years earlier. After a four-day trial in the court of Yellowstone County District Judge Ingrid Gustafson last week, the jury unanimously awarded Jason Norman $350,000 in lost profitability, $100,000 for emotional distress and $1.6 million in punitive damages against Deutsche Bank National Trust Co. (more…) Continue Reading →

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MoAv partners aim to build new coffee culture in Billings


Don’t get Matt Pipinich talking about coffee. No, actually, do. He’ll talk about coffee in a way you’ve never heard, most likely, touching on the science and craft of roasting and brewing and how coffee should be served and consumed. He might veer off to talk about synergy and community-building and the importance of relationships. (more…) Continue Reading →

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Refinery fix-it man’s ingenuity took him around the world


It was apparent early on that Jim Bateman was no ordinary boy. Just a week into kindergarten in Lawrence Park, Penn., his teacher sent a note home to his mother, who was also a teacher. His mother was told that she apparently had taught her son everything his teacher hoped to impart in kindergarten. He was being recommended for immediate transfer to first grade. (more…) Continue Reading →

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SCRAP Billings opens reuse store on South 29th Street


A “creative reuse” store just south of the tracks in downtown Billings is open for business. The opening comes a bit later than expected, but also unexpected was the flood of donations and offers of help. “It has been so well received,” said Tammy Zemliska, director of the SCRAP Billings store at 21 S. 29th St. “People have been so excited once they realize their stuff doesn’t have to end up in the landfill.” (more…) Continue Reading →

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Harvest Church volunteers give huge boost to river park


For nearly four years, volunteers with the Yellowstone River Parks Association, individually or occasionally in small groups, have been working to prepare a regional park a few miles northeast of Billings. This past weekend, their labors got an enormous boost from more than 500 volunteers in a project organized by Harvest Church. (more…) Continue Reading →

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