Voices from the Valley is an occasional series of conversations between Sherri Cornett and Billings-area leaders who are committed to creating a vibrant community for all. This is the final installment of the series. (more…) Continue Reading →
Last Best News (https://montana-mint.com/lastbestnews/tag/rocky-mountain-college/)
Voices from the Valley is an occasional series of conversations between Sherri Cornett and Billings-area leaders who are committed to creating a vibrant community for all. This is the final installment of the series. (more…) Continue Reading →
Imagine a powerful gun lobbyist with an Irish accent and you get some idea of last week’s debate at Rocky Mountain College. (more…) Continue Reading →
Ever since she and her husband started an organization two and a half years ago to help women escape and recover from sexual exploitation, Britney Higgs said, they have never stopped being amazed at how much help they’ve been given. “It’s been super faith-building,” she said. “We literally get to witness miracles every day.” (more…) Continue Reading →
A Methodist minister from a severely traumatized country warned here last week that America, too, is traumatized. (more…) Continue Reading →
Just after 7 a.m. on the wind chilliest day of the winter, my aging Subaru sputtered to a start, spit out black smoke onto the white snow for a few minutes, then died. For better or worse. Till death do us part. (more…) Continue Reading →
Kevin Red Star, 74, has been making art for 50 years. That’s not quite long enough. Red Star just finished a showing with his daughter, Sunny Sky Red Star, at the Ryniker-Morrison Gallery at Rocky Mountain College. This week, he donated a 20-by-20-inch portrait called “Thunder Bear” to the college. (more…) Continue Reading →
The subject of a series of lectures to be presented at Rocky Mountain College in early March was chosen nearly a year ago, but it seems more timely than ever now. The Wheatley Lectures, scheduled for Thursday and Friday, March 8 and 9, will focus on the theme of “Creating Community in Fracturing Times: Returning Civility to Civil Dialogue.” (more…) Continue Reading →
For the seventh year in a row, cadets in the Montana State University Billings-Rocky Mountain College ROTC are hosting a dinner to benefit the program. The dinner, which will include a silent auction, live auction, dessert auction and raffle, is set for Friday, Feb. 9, at the Radisson Hotel. Ten percent of the proceeds will go to support the Stars N Stripes Wrestling program for kids, which is coached by military veterans; the rest will help fund the ROTC program. (more…) Continue Reading →
The Northwest Commission of Colleges and Universities has approved and accredited what will be Rocky Mountain College’s first doctoral program. In a press release from Rocky, Stephen Germic, the school’s provost and academic vice president, said the commission approved and accredited the college’s plan to begin a doctor of occupational therapy degree program, effective January 2019. (more…) Continue Reading →
Spring classes cranked up this week at Rocky Mountain College, and I wonder why. (more…) Continue Reading →