Ed Bartlett

Recent Posts

Council to vote again on backing local option tax idea


The Billings City Council will decide Monday night whether to endorse efforts to pass a new kind of statewide local option sales tax—or to postpone a decision until a bill draft lays out more details on the proposal. The council also will be asked to approve a two-page list of priorities that the city will pursue during the 2017 Montana Legislature, one of the priorities being a commitment to support a local option tax of some kind. (more…) Continue Reading →

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Downtown seeks support for public intoxication law

The Downtown Billings Alliance is hoping to round up supporters of a bill that would allow cities to pass laws prohibiting public intoxication. Passage of Senate Bill 360, introduced by Sen. Doug Kary, R-Billings, is seen as an important component of larger plans to deal with ever-escalating complaints about the safety and appearance of downtown streets and sidewalks. (more…) Continue Reading →

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Backers of local option tax pin hopes on 2015 Legislature


It’s awfully early in the 2015 Montana legislative session to be optimistic about anything, but Jani McCall thinks this might just be the year lawmakers finally authorize cities and towns to pursue local sales taxes. “I think it’s going to be a tough haul,” McCall said, “but I think if there was ever an opportunity to do it, this will be the session to do it.” (more…) Continue Reading →

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