Addison Bragg

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Stella Fong charts Billings’ culinary history in new book


In earlier times, apparently, restaurant-goers in Billings were big on flesh, as well as variety. On the menu of the St. Louis Café, formerly located at 2507 Montana Ave., there were more than 30 items under the heading of “Meats.” Offerings included fried kidney, weiner wurst, beef liver with bacon, brains scrambled with eggs, chipped beef in cream, veal chops and half a spring chicken. (more…) Continue Reading →

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Recalling long-gone bars, and two survivors


When I first saw the subject line on the Billings Gazette website—“Retrospective: Closed Billings bars”—I was prepared to be unimpressed. I didn’t want to be a sucker nipping at “click bait,” those tantalizing packages the Gazette has been running on a regular basis in hopes of generating a lot of Web traffic with a minimum of work. (more…) Continue Reading →

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A column in search of a name

The last time I started writing a column, the first thing we had to do was come up with a name. It was late in 1999 and my editors had proposed that my weekly column would debut in the Billings Gazette on the first Sunday in 2000. To find a name, I indulged in a blue-sky exercise, which involves coming up with as many ideas as you can as quickly as you can. You are supposed to turn off any filters, too, giving free rein to your unconscious mind. (more…) Continue Reading →

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