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Art House Cinema is panel’s choice to take over Babcock

Art House

If the Billings City Council accepts the recommendation of one of its subcommittees, the Art House Cinema & Pub could soon be showing films in and operating the historic Babcock Theatre. The ad hoc committee on the future of the 110-year-old downtown theater voted 6-2 Wednesday afternoon to recommend that the full council enter into negotiations with Art House Cinema and its founder and president, Matt Blakeslee. (more…) Continue Reading →

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Panelists tell of racism, talk about ways to bring change


At panel discussion about racism Tuesday night, Jerry Clark said he didn’t think about race growing up in Barbados, where he and most everyone else was of African heritage. He said he learned about racism when he moved to South Florida at the age of 15, and then more formally during his years at college. When he moved to Billings, where he works for RiverStone Health, he said, he learned about another aspect of racial prejudice. (more…) Continue Reading →

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‘Community Dialogue on Race’ set for Tuesday


Last summer, after violent confrontations broke out in Charlottesville, Va., where white supremacists gathered to protest the planned removal of a statue of Robert E. Lee, Kari Kaiser was talking to a friend who also belonged to the Billings Rises group. Billings Rises was part of Big Sky Rising, which Kaiser described as a “volunteer army of concerned citizens” who came together after the 2016 election to encourage civic engagement and activism. (more…) Continue Reading →

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New CEO named for Downtown Billings Alliance


Katy Easton, now working for Big Sky Economic Development, will take over as the CEO of the Downtown Billings Alliance on Feb. 1. Easton, 39, was chosen to replace Lisa Harmon, who was the DBA’s executive director for 12 years before leaving at the end of last year. (more…) Continue Reading →

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At 17, with so much trouble in past, hope finally lies ahead


Listening to everything that Faith Rumph has been through, it’s hard to believe — or maybe it’s just painful to acknowledge — that she is only 17. Born in Billings, she was removed from her biological parents at the age of 2, “because basically they were not fit to be parents,” she said. Faith and her then-newborn sister lived with one family until Faith was 4, when Faith was adopted by Mark and Cindy Rumph. (more…) Continue Reading →

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