The Eastern Wildlands Chapter of the Montana Wilderness Association will be showing a short film, “How We See It: A Story of Apsaalooke Landscape,” durings its annual meeting Monday night. (more…) Continue Reading →
Last Best News (https://montana-mint.com/lastbestnews/category/news/page/13/)
The Eastern Wildlands Chapter of the Montana Wilderness Association will be showing a short film, “How We See It: A Story of Apsaalooke Landscape,” durings its annual meeting Monday night. (more…) Continue Reading →
The former prosecutor for the city of Red Lodge has filed suit against two sisters — one a City Council member and the other the coordinator of the Carbon County DUI Task Force — accusing them of conspiracy, libel, slander and working against his appointment as city attorney. (more…) Continue Reading →
Women’s marches are being organized across the state and around the world this Saturday, a year after huge crowds turned out last January on the day after President Donald Trump’s inauguration. State Sen. Jen Gross, D-Billings, a co-coordinator of the Montana Women’s March Billings, said last year’s Women’s March on Montana, which drew an estimated 10,000 people to Helena, was powerfully exciting. (more…) Continue Reading →
A handful of conservation groups and Montana landowners are protesting several oil and gas leases offered by the Bureau of Land Management along the banks of the Yellowstone River. Opponents said the leases aren’t suitable for the area, which relies on revenue generated by tourism and outdoor recreation. (more…) Continue Reading →
The Montana area manager for the federal Bureau of Reclamation has taken issue with a report critical of the bureau’s management of Yellowtail Dam on the Bighorn River. As we reported last week, the Bighorn River Alliance released a report saying BuRec’s operation of the dam has greatly damaged the world-class fishery below the dam and has also been injurious to farmers, ranchers, landowners and taxpayers. (more…) Continue Reading →
The manager of the Walmart store in Bozeman has officially apologized to a black Montana State University professor who was subjected to an apparently racist insult by employees of the store. (more…) Continue Reading →
A Montana State University history professor whose work focuses on the impact of mountains on some of history’s most influential scientific minds will discuss his work at Montana State University’s next Provost’s Distinguished Lecturer Series, set for 7 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 23, in the Museum of the Rockies’ Hager Auditorium. (more…) Continue Reading →
The Northwest Commission of Colleges and Universities has approved and accredited what will be Rocky Mountain College’s first doctoral program. In a press release from Rocky, Stephen Germic, the school’s provost and academic vice president, said the commission approved and accredited the college’s plan to begin a doctor of occupational therapy degree program, effective January 2019. (more…) Continue Reading →
After years of planning and fundraising and a year and a half of construction, RiverStone Health is a little more than a week away from seeing patients in its new, much larger clinic. “Every time I come over here, there’s something new and different,” Barbara Schneeman said Thursday morning. “It’s amazing.” (more…) Continue Reading →
A group of Bighorn River water users issued a report Thursday that raps the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation for managing the Yellowtail Dam in ways that have cost taxpayers, farmers, ranchers and the fishing economy tens of millions of dollars. The report, “River at Risk,” was prepared by the Bighorn River Alliance, a nonprofit group that gives its mission as advocating for the wellbeing and balanced management of the Bighorn River. (more…) Continue Reading →