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Young computer science student shoots for the stars


Kobi Hudson is still a little embarrassed about how he acquired an intense interest in computer science. “I was just really against the idea of taking a foreign language in high school,” he said. So when he heard that some colleges gave foreign-language credits for computer science classes, “I said, ‘Heck yeah!’” (more…) Continue Reading →

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New Mustangs owners say they’re in for the long haul


The new owners of the Billings Mustangs said Friday that they intend to be in Billings for what one of them said would be a “very, very long time.”

Dave Heller and Bob Herrfeldt, partners in Main Street Baseball, based in Davenport, Iowa, were introduced at a press conference Friday afternoon at Dehler Park, the 6-year-old ballpark that is home to the Mustangs. (more…) Continue Reading →

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Mustangs likely to announce sale of team Friday

Owners of the Billings Mustangs have called a press conference for Friday, and though they’re not saying what is to be announced, it appears likely that the team is being sold to Main Street Baseball. The press conference, set for 3 p.m. in the clubhouse at Dehler Park, home of the Mustangs, will include Woody Hahn, president of the club, and Dave Heller, president of Main Street Baseball. (more…) Continue Reading →

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Lefse: Mashing, rolling and cooking holiday cheer


Down in the basement of the Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd in Billings, holiday celebrations began with the making of lefse. Just before Thanksgiving, Kelly Kaiser Borning gathered a small group to honor the Scandinavian tradition of rolling and baking the potato-based flatbread. This two-day affair of creating lefse for the annual bazaar was a valuable “passing of the generations,” said Margit Thorndal, a member of the Church Council. But for most Scandinavians, whether they know how to make lefse or not, it embodied good old-fashioned Christmas cheer. (more…) Continue Reading →

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From the Outpost: Recollections of a legendary wit

Gazette Sports Editor Jeff Welsch wrote a solid farewell column last month for Bill Bighaus, who retired after 23 years as a sports writer at the Gazette. But the column failed to truly capture the range and depth of Bighaus’ remarkable wit. I don’t mean that as a criticism. No single column could have pulled that off, and this one won’t either. Just consider this a modest contribution to the Bighaus legend. Continue Reading →

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Cooksimple founder goes back to his roots


Healthy-food entrepreneur Keith Lauver capped a nine-week national tour of grocery stores with a stop at the Good Earth Market in Billings on Tuesday—the store that helped launch his business five years ago. “This is where the magic was,” he said Tuesday morning while setting up a sample table just inside the main entrance to the downtown co-op. (more…) Continue Reading →

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Class of ’64 makes donation to ‘Save Our Murals’ at Senior


Progress is being made in the effort to preserve more than 100 murals painted on the walls of Billings Senior High School. Representatives of the class of 1964, which had its 50th reunion this summer, were planning to present a check for $1,755 to Principal Dennis Holmes Thursday afternoon. (more…) Continue Reading →

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Make some Noise: Uberbrew bottling popular wheat beer


Uberbrew recently became the second Billings brewery to put six packs of its beer on retail shelves. The Yellowstone Valley Brewing Co. has been doing so for years with a bottling operation attached to its brewery at 2123 First Ave. N.

Uberbrew owners Mark Hastings and Jason Shroyer are going a bit different route—having their popular White Noise hefeweizen bottled at the Fort Collins Brewery in Colorado. (more…) Continue Reading →

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