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Billings family says justice denied in toddler’s death

Parking lot

Four months after 21-month-old Zachary Wyles was run over and killed in a parking lot in Billings, his family thinks justice is a long way from being served. The toddler’s parents, Zachary Sr. and Aleada Wyles, recently filed a civil lawsuit against Jamie Van Atta, the woman who was driving the truck that ran over the boy, and the owners and managers of the Rose Park Plaza Apartments on the 2300 block of Avenue C, where the incident occurred. (more…) Continue Reading →

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LDS Church pulls plans for meetinghouse near temple


The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has withdrawn its proposal to build a new meetinghouse near its temple on the West End of Billings. In a letter from the church delivered to the city-county Planning Department on Monday, a spokesman said the church was honoring verbal statements it made nearly 20 years ago, promising to build “no additional religious facilities” in the Rim Point Subdivision. (more…) Continue Reading →

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Billings oboist, friends work to revive forgotten composer


Marilyn Cole is trying to get to Japan to pay tribute to a forgotten French composer. Cole is a 2002 graduate of Billings Senior High School who is now a professional musician in New York City. She belongs to a reed trio that has been invited to the International Double Reed (referring to oboes and bassoons) Society Conference in Tokyo this August. (more…) Continue Reading →

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Dog owner, supporters stage vigil at city animal shelter


Brenda Chamberlain was driving down Monad Road on Monday morning and thought she saw Mike Mallory on the sidewalk in front of the Yellowstone Valley Animal Shelter. But she figured she was mistaken. “I didn’t recognize him because he didn’t have his dogs,” she said. “He always has his dogs.” (more…) Continue Reading →

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Touche! ‘Community space’ planned for Minnesota Ave.


Bryan Stafford, director of the Big Sky Fencing Association—think swords, not cattle—had one small goal in mind when he approached the Montana Rescue Mission last year. His fencing club needed a new space to practice and compete, and he knew that MRM owned a huge, almost entirely vacant complex of connected buildings on Minnesota Avenue. His plans grew more expansive after he toured the buildings with Mission Director Perry Roberts. (more…) Continue Reading →

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Cops, community getting a handle on downtown Billings


At this time of year in downtown Billings, Matt Lennick’s phone should be ringing a lot more than it has been. Lennick, a downtown resource officer who works for the Police Department but whose pay is covered by a special tax on downtown property owners, said he’s still waiting to see statistical comparisons between this year and last, but this year sure feels different. (more…) Continue Reading →

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Former Butte resident brings inspiring life story to Billings

Erin Popovich

In 1997, when she was 12, Erin Popovich decided to give swimming a try. She had been living in Butte since she was 5 and had played every available sport in elementary school, in addition to club soccer and competitive horse showing. But she was born with achondroplasia, a form of dwarfism, and by age 12 her condition was making soccer difficult. (more…) Continue Reading →

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One-of-a-kind play area opens Saturday at Audubon Center


Darcie Howard, director of the Montana Audubon Center, was not impressed when she first heard about something called a “nature play space.”

The center’s mission is to get children out into nature, into the wild, so creating a manmade “natural area” didn’t seem like a very good idea. (more…) Continue Reading →

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Family Promise appeals to public in fundraising drive


Family Promise of Yellowstone Valley, a nonprofit agency that works to lift families out of homelessness, took its fundraising drive public Wednesday afternoon. Standing in front of a building on South 26th Street that will become a day center for families served by the agency, fundraising chair Carol Roberts announced that Family Promise was already halfway to its $600,000 goal. (more…) Continue Reading →

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Ex-judge, censured over rape comments, to receive award


Next month, less than a year after he was censured by the Montana Supreme Court for comments he made while sentencing a man who raped a 14-year-old girl, retired District Judge G. Todd Baugh will receive a lifetime achievement award from the Yellowstone Area Bar Association. Marian Bradley, president of the Montana chapter of the National Organization for Women, said there is “something absolutely wrong” with members of the local bar giving Baugh the award. (more…) Continue Reading →

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