Atlantic writers visit the Aabergs in Chester


Philip Aaberg

A view of the Sweetgrass Hills.

Writing on The Altantic magazine’s website, Deborah Fallows pays a fine tribute to composer-pianist Philip Aaberg, and a fine tribute to Chester, the Hi-Line town where Aaberg was born and where he now lives again.

The piece is part of American Futures, a project I had not previously heard of. It involves Fallows and her husband, longtime Atlantic contributor James Fallows, flying all over the country in a single-engine plane, sort of a technologically upgraded version of “Travels with Charley.”

Here’s a good excerpt from the article, which also has plenty of links to Aaberg’s music:

“Aaberg says, ‘I love this land. There is something about this country that really opens me up.’ He talks about the amount of time and the quality of the time he spent in Chester. ‘When I was here, I was really here.’ He talked about the relationship between his music and seeing the land here, watching the sky change, seeing the Sweetgrass Hills, watching the flights of birds. ‘All incredibly important to me,’ he says, and a source of his inspiration.”



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