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Prairie Lights: Music’s power prevails in troubling times


Marty Stuart, the one-time boy wonder of country music who is now one of its grand old men, did a few surprising things during his performance Friday night at ZooMontana. He told the audience he first visited the Little Bighorn Battlefield on a trip to Billings a couple of years ago, when he played the Alberta Bair Theater, and he was inspired to write a song called “Custer Wore an Arrow Shirt,” which he sang at the zoo. (more…) Continue Reading →

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At ZooMontana, tigers, bears and princesses, oh my!


Fans of Disney princesses, many of the younger ones dressed up like their favorite movie characters, turned out for the first of two Princess Day events at ZooMontana on Friday. Last year’s Princess Day was such a big hit, it was expanded to two days for 2017. The princesses held court in settings scattered across the zoo grounds. Clues were provided to help guests find each celebrity for a hug and a photo session. (more…) Continue Reading →

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