Ten years after he was elected to the U.S. Senate, Jon Tester, D-Mont., still continues to farm near his home in Big Sandy. It isn’t about the money. “One of the reasons I still farm is because I go home and can get things done,” Tester said during a telephone town hall last week. In Washington, D.C., not so much. (more…) Continue Reading →
U.S. Senate
Recent Posts
From the Outpost: With Curtis, at least a sliver of hope
Regular readers of this irregularly filled space know that I am no fan of Republican U.S. Senate candidate Steve Daines. I have written columns:
* Criticizing his foolish and un-American bill that would tie congressional pay to balancing the budget. Why un-American? Because the bill would allow millionaires like Daines to hold hostage for partisan ends the paychecks of middle-class representatives like his Democratic opponent, Amanda Curtis. It’s a dumb idea, and the fact that a Democrat, John Lewis, argues that members of Congress shouldn’t get paid unless they pass a budget doesn’t make it any smarter. Continue Reading →
Filed under: Montana, News, Amanda Curtis, John Lewis, John Walsh, Obamacare, Steve Daines, U.S. Senate
Circus, sound bites, cliches: A night at the great debate
Amanda Curtis does not think the United States can be “the policeman of the world.” Nor does she believe that Congress should “kick the can down the road.”
Steve Daines said his policies are good “not only for this generation but our children and our grandchildren.” He also said “we need to have both sides coming to the table and coming to an agreement.” (more…) Continue Reading →
Filed under: Montana, News, Amanda Curtis, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, President Obama, Steve Daines, U.S. Senate
Ice buckets, copyright, exclamation points!
Dear Ed: I gave up the Internet for the summer, thinking I needed to get off the digital merry go-round, read some books and experience the real world in real time. I was doing just fine — actually, I hadn’t felt better in all my 20 years — until recently. (more…) Continue Reading →