U.S. House

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Montana Mint talks politics, sports, music with Rob Quist


Editor’s note: This is reprinted with permission from  Montana Mint, a website whose stated mission is to “Bring the best of Montana to the internet.” The Montana Mint recently had the opportunity to speak with Rob Quist, the Democratic candidate in Montana’s special election for our lone seat in Congress. We spoke with Quist between campaign events and discussed the campaign, his thoughts on President Trump, his past financial issues, and his favorite pizza in the state. (more…) Continue Reading →

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Online town halls set for special election candidates


All across the country, voters often sit elections out because they lack access to good, reliable information about the candidates and issues. With a special election coming up in Montana on May 25 to find a replacement for Ryan Zinke, until recently Montana’s lone House member and now secretary of the Interior Department, Forward Montana is hoping to change that. (more…) Continue Reading →

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Opinion: Misleading bills would erode patient rights


How would it feel, while filling out the usual paperwork in the waiting room, to sign a waiver that you won’t sue your doctor? Under a pair of bills recently introduced by Republicans in the U.S. House, that is what would happen without your knowledge or consent. Congress is seeking to pile federal regulations pertaining to medical malpractice on top of 40 years’ worth of Montana laws that already protect doctors. (more…) Continue Reading →

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Jeannette Rankin, a woman far ahead of her time

Kevin S. Giles, a Deer Lodge native, is the author of the new book “One Woman Against War: The Jeannette Rankin Story.” It tells of the pacifist convictions of the first woman elected to Congress. Her campaign came just two years after Montana legislators gave women the right to vote. Rankin, from Missoula, thought she had lost the 1916 election until strong returns came from farmers and ranchers (and their wives) across the great sweep of Eastern Montana voted her into office. (more…) Continue Reading →

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Dennis Hastert accuser: ‘His silence says everything’


Jolene Burdge does not look at Dennis Hastert and see a man who used to hold one of the most powerful positions in the United States. “This whole thing of him being the speaker of the House and the third in line to the presidency—I know it’s there, but it’s just not as prominent in my mind as being a teacher from a small town,” she said. “He’s just a teacher that all of us kids had that hurt my brother.” (more…) Continue Reading →

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Billings woman mum after telling ABC about Hastert allegations

I suppose everyone’s heard by now that a Billings woman, Jolene Burdge, has come forward to say that her late brother, Steve Reinboldt, was sexually abused by former U.S. House Speaker Dennis Hastert. I was asked by the Washington Post to speak with Burdge this morning, so I went to her house on Avenue D about 10 a.m. A man who identified himself as Burdge’s husband said she was not granting any more interviews. He said she told ABC News everything she knew as completely and honestly as she could, and that if she talked to other media her story might be “misconstrued.” He also said they have been flooded with interview requests from all over the country, starting this morning at 7. He said of his wife that “God is with her.” Continue Reading →

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From the Outpost: An opening for long-shot Lewis

I just about dropped what’s left of my teeth when I saw on Sunday that the Billings Gazette had endorsed John Lewis for the U.S. House over Ryan Zinke. Zinke seemed to be the natural pick in this race: tons of experience, some of it relevant; an unflappable public presence; a history of edging toward moderation. Even the Butte Weekly, a Democratic-leaning newspaper in a Democratic-leaning town, has endorsed Zinke, a Republican. (more…) Continue Reading →

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House debate unlikely to have swayed many voters

If the purpose of a political debate is to change voters’ minds, then Monday’s U.S. House debate at Montana State University Billings was a clear draw. It’s hard to imagine that any minds changed after a debate in which Republican Ryan Zinke and Democrat John Lewis seemed to agree at least at often as they disagreed. (more…) Continue Reading →

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What makes people want the worst job in America?

On the eve of the primary election, I thought I should bring to your attention an excellent article I read on vacation. The story — headlined “Is being a congressperson the worst job in America?” — appeared in the most recent edition of City Pages, an alternative weekly in the Twin Cities. I guess the headline (and the one on the cover, seen at left) rather gives it away: The answer is yes, it is the worst job in America. The article gives eight reasons why the job is so bad, backed up by facts and anecdotes. Continue Reading →

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