U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

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At Interior, Zinke should embrace stewardship


Secretaries of the Interior are called to be public stewards. On behalf of all Americans, they oversee our great national heritage of forests, grasslands, fisheries, national parks, wildlife, waterways and mineral wealth. U.S. Rep. Ryan Zinke, if approved for his nomination to that post, will have the opportunity to prove himself in the long line of great stewards that have preceded him. I wish him well, but there is cause for concern. (more…) Continue Reading →

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River study has good science, now add soul, speaker says


In a 400-page assessment of the Yellowstone River that is thick with technical findings and scientific terminology, Gerard Baker identified what he thought was missing from the report. Baker, a Mandan-Hidatsa Indian who retired as assistant director of the National Park Service in Washington, D.C., said what was missing was the river’s soul, its spirit. When the river and its plants and animals were created, Baker said, no part of it was inanimate. (more…) Continue Reading →

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Comments gathered as big study of grand river wraps up


HUNTLEY—The Yellowstone River will soon have a study worthy of its stature. A summary of the study, still in draft form, was delivered at a public meeting in Huntley on Wednesday night, and the final report is scheduled to be released during a two-day conference in Billings next March. (more…) Continue Reading →

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