Todd Wilkinson

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New online journal will cover Greater Yellowstone region

The Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem has, heretofore, never had a single journalistic presence devoted entirely to making sense of our vast region. Now it does. Mountain Journal was just launched this week as an online, not-for-profit entity devoted to the mission of public-interest journalism. (more…) Continue Reading →

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Welcoming The Bullseye, a new independent online journal

Editor’s note: We are pleased to draw your attention to another independent online journalism site covering this part of the world. The masthead at The Bullseye describes its mission this way: “With a focus on environmental and cultural issues in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem and the broader American West, we are here to champion honesty, transparency and accountability in government and society.” (more…) Continue Reading →

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New book on Yellowstone Grizzly 399 is a real-life thriller


I need to warn you upfront: In a riveting new non-fiction book by Bozeman writer Todd Wilkinson, grizzly bears and people die tragically at the hands of each other. “Grizzlies of Pilgrim Creek, An Intimate Portrait of 399, the Most Famous Bear of Greater Yellowstone” is a real-life thriller and until the final page, we readers don’t know who the next casualty will be. But we hope it won’t be 399, who brings added meaning to the role of ursine motherhood. (more…) Continue Reading →

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Robert Staffanson: The most interesting man in Montana?


I have never met Robert Staffanson, but I am prepared to answer “yes” to the question in the headline above. I base my opinion on having just read his autobiography, “Witness to Spirit: My Life with Cowboys, Mozart & Indians.” His story follows an arc that seems almost unbelievable.  (more…) Continue Reading →

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Turner biographer gives revealing interview

Last Best News was barely a week old when I ran my review of Todd Wilkinson’s biography of Ted Turner. A year later I find myself thinking of Turner on a regular basis, having learned from Wilkinson, who lives in Bozeman, what a huge variety of important projects Turner is deeply involved in. If I had a Christmas wish for the whole world this year, it would be that Turner has a very, very long life. Whether or not you’ve read the book yet, check out this revealing interview of Wilkinson by Marc Bekoff, a writer and evolutionary biologist. The lengthy interview was published by Psychology Today and touches on many of the most interesting parts of Wilkinson’s book. Continue Reading →

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Book Review: Turner bio an intimate look at a very large life

Last Stand: Ted Turner’s Quest to Save a Troubled Planet, by Todd Wilkinson, 2013. Lyons Press, 371 pages, $26.95

There are a lot of big names in this book besides Turner’s. Todd Wilkinson has revealing conversations with Jimmy Carter, Mikhail Gorbachev, Al Gore, Kofi Annan and Jane Fonda, among others. (more…) Continue Reading →

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