Terry Zee Lee

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Billings couple sends art aloft, lifting spirits in the process


For part of Terry Zee Lee’s childhood, her family lived near the Pacific Ocean in Oregon. She and her three sisters and her brother would often spend the whole day playing on the beach. Their mother, who wanted to keep an eye on them but had things to do, would tie a kite string to each child’s wrist, so that they were all tethered to kites soaring above the beach. Their mother could do her work around the house while periodically looking out the window and counting kites. You might say that Lee has been attached to kites ever since. Continue Reading →

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Tribal leader, healer, to receive governor’s award


Billings resident William Snell was to be honored in Helena on Friday for his decades of work to improve the health and wellbeing of Native Americans in Montana. Snell, currently the project manager for the Montana-Wyoming Tribal Leadership Council, along with six other individuals and organizations, is to receive a ServeMontana Award at noon Friday in the old Supreme Court chambers of the state Capitol. (more…) Continue Reading →

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Reception honors artists behind ‘Flying Buffalo Project’


On 10 occasions over the past two years, paintings by Native American artists have been flying over buffalo jumps in the United States and Canada. Next week, the “Flying Buffalo Project” kites and some of the artists who created them will be honored at a reception in the Little Big Horn College Library in Crow Agency. The reception will run from 6 to 8 p.m. on Thursday, Dec. 11. (more…) Continue Reading →

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