Steve Zabawa

Recent Posts

Opinion: Anti-drug crusader has skewed vision of his role


Editor’s note: After speaking recently with Stephen Zabawa, a partner in the Rimrock Auto Group and the director of SafeMontana, which seeks to restrict access to illegal drugs, Hugh Healow wrote an extended Facebook post on their conversation. We are reprinting it here in a slightly modified form. So I called Steve Zabawa last week to discuss my concern over SafeMontana’s approach to public drug policy, and to my delight he was willing to have a conversation with me. (more…) Continue Reading →

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Comment-less Gazette story raises questions

There’s an interesting story in today’s Billings Gazette, in which the organizer of the anti-marijuana ballot initiative concedes that the effort probably didn’t gather enough signatures to get on the ballot. But then I noticed one very odd thing: comments appear to have been disabled on this story. In other words, there’s no comment bar under the story. Was it an oversight, a mistake? Is this something the Gazette does on certain stories it fears will attract too many trolls? Continue Reading →

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