More bad news for Lee Enterprises, the Iowa-based newspaper chain that owns the Billings Gazette and papers in Missoula, Butte, Helena and Hamilton. is reporting that Lee has sold a newspaper building in Napa, Calif., for $5 million, which it planned to use to pay down part of its enormous debt. (more…) Continue Reading →
Steve Daines
Recent Posts
From the Outpost: Looking for the ever-elusive truth
Truth can be slippery, as last week’s news showed. Sometimes, the truth comes without relevant facts. In his Sunday column, Billings Gazette editor Darrell Ehrlick noted the decline of press coverage of the federal government in Washington, D.C. It’s a common, and worthy, complaint. (more…) Continue Reading →
Filed under: From the Outpost, Billings Gazette, Darrell Ehrlick, Lee Enterprises, Media Trackers, Miles Avenue Elementary School, Steve Daines
From the Outpost: With Curtis, at least a sliver of hope
Regular readers of this irregularly filled space know that I am no fan of Republican U.S. Senate candidate Steve Daines. I have written columns:
* Criticizing his foolish and un-American bill that would tie congressional pay to balancing the budget. Why un-American? Because the bill would allow millionaires like Daines to hold hostage for partisan ends the paychecks of middle-class representatives like his Democratic opponent, Amanda Curtis. It’s a dumb idea, and the fact that a Democrat, John Lewis, argues that members of Congress shouldn’t get paid unless they pass a budget doesn’t make it any smarter. Continue Reading →
Filed under: Montana, News, Amanda Curtis, John Lewis, John Walsh, Obamacare, Steve Daines, U.S. Senate
Circus, sound bites, cliches: A night at the great debate
Amanda Curtis does not think the United States can be “the policeman of the world.” Nor does she believe that Congress should “kick the can down the road.”
Steve Daines said his policies are good “not only for this generation but our children and our grandchildren.” He also said “we need to have both sides coming to the table and coming to an agreement.” (more…) Continue Reading →
Filed under: Montana, News, Amanda Curtis, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, President Obama, Steve Daines, U.S. Senate
Cement manufacturers, we salute you!
This just in: We received a press release by email this evening, supposedly from an outfit called “PCA America’s Cement Manufacturers,” though we have a sneaking suspicion that it might have emanated from The Onion. The press release was headlined “Daines Tours Ash Grove Cement Plant in Montana City.” As gripping as the headline was, the body of the release was even better, as you will see from this, the second paragraph:
“Ash Grove’s Montana City plant manager remarked, ‘Congressman Daines has been a strong supporter of American cement producers since his election to Congress. His interest in experiencing the cement manufacturing process firsthand demonstrates his commitment to cement manufacturing in Montana and across the country.’”
I don’t know how many times I have stood in the voting booth and asked myself, “Ed, before you fill in that oval, who is the candidate who will step up and do what needs to be done to give American cement producers the support they need to ensure that we maintain our reputation as the world’s greatest cement manufacturers?” And just because that quote above wasn’t good enough, the release continued: “The congressman is an influential member of congressional committees that are critically important to cement producers, including the Committee on Transportation & Infrastructure and the Committee on Natural Resources.” Continue Reading →
Filed under: Last Best Blog, Ash Grove Cement Plant, Montana City, Steve Daines
Bridges laughs off Senate run, more or less
Appearing on the Howard Stern show today, Jeff Bridges briefly discussed — and appeared to throw cold water on — the notion that he run for the U.S. Senate from Montana. As we have reported and commented on in the past few days, a Billings-area woman started a Facebook page and a petition to encourage Bridges to seek appointment as the Democratic candidate to replace Sen. John Walsh. Walsh dropped out of the race against Rep. Steve Daines, R-Mont., amid revelations that he, Walsh, pilfered the writings of others during his time at the War College. On the show, Bridges was talking to Stern about how his wife often puts the brakes on him when he gets unduly excited about things, those times when “I write checks my ass can’t cash.” (Just like a real senator!) And then he mentioned stumbling across the Facebook page, apparently, and mentioning that to his wife. Continue Reading →
Filed under: Last Best Blog, Howard Stern, Jeff Bridges, Lizbeth Pratt, Steve Daines
Copy that: Time for Sen. Walsh to resign
Somebody should step up and defend Sen. John Walsh from charges that the plagiarized an Army War College paper, I suppose, but it won’t be me. The senator should resign. (more…) Continue Reading →
Filed under: Montana, Bob Dylan, John Walsh, New York Times, Paul Rand, Pete Seeger, Steve Daines
Drone-drilling ad inspires copycats
Matt Rosendale, the state senator gunning for the U.S. House seat being vacated by Steve Daines, has had a big hit with the TV ad depicting him shooting down a government drone. (more…) Continue Reading →
Filed under: Prairie Lights, Brian Schweitzer, John Walsh, Matt Rosendale, Max Baucus, Obamacare, Steve Daines, YouTube
From the Outpost: So many reasons to dislike Daines’ pay bill
Having failed to accomplish anything of note in the least accomplished U.S. House in American history, U.S. Rep. Steve Daines seeks promotion to the Senate. (more…) Continue Reading →