South Park

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After delays, South Park ‘splash pad’ back on track


Users of South Park in Billings have been waiting a long time for their new “splash pad,” also known as a sprayground, where kids can cool off among a variety of fountains, jets and other water features. First, construction was delayed for an entire year after the two companies that initially bid on the project had their bids rejected because of problems both had in posting a performance bond. When the project went out for bids again, General Contractors Construction Co. of Billings, which put in a low bid of just over $1 million, was awarded the contract. (more…) Continue Reading →

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Prairie Lights: What did we do to deserve all this music?

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Looking back at the summer of 2015, these are the things I’m most likely to remember. There was Sheila Kay Adams, a storyteller and musician from Sodom, N.C., giving a brief history of the past 400 years as told by her Scottish grandmother, whose people have been living in the same corner of North Carolina since 1731. (more…) Continue Reading →

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Playground opens, work continues on tennis courts


There was a grand opening for the new playground at Pioneer Park in Billings on Friday, even as work continued on all-new tennis courts in another corner of the park. Work continued as well on a new playground at South Park and another tennis-court replacement, this one at Castle Rock Park in the Heights. (more…) Continue Reading →

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Old playgrounds being taken out at South, Pioneer parks

South Park

All the playground equipment has been removed from South Park, and a similar removal will take place starting next week at Pioneer Park. This is not the work of the Grinch. The city’s Department of Parks, Recreation and Public Lands had already been planning to install new, much more attractive equipment at both parks next spring, using money from the Citywide Park District created by the City Council three years ago. (more…) Continue Reading →

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