For the better part of the past decade, Montana Republicans have enjoyed comfortable majorities in the state Legislature. Despite those majorities (or maybe because of them), GOP caucuses in the House and Senate have spent much of the past 10 years engaged in a bitter, and oftentimes very public, intra-party feud. (more…) Continue Reading →
Scott Sales
Recent Posts
At session’s end, both sides claiming partial victory
HELENA—Everyone was claiming at least a partial victory Thursday after the conclusion of a special legislative session called to close a $227 million state general-fund budget and revenue shortfall
The House adjourned at 1:04 a.m., Thursday with the Senate concluding at 12:36 a.m. to wrap up a two-day special session. (more…) Continue Reading →
Filed under: Montana, News, Austin Knudsen, Jenny Eck, Montana Legislature, Scott Sales, special session, Steve Bullock
Chamber weighs legislative wins, losses
The Billings Chamber of Commerce on Thursday celebrated small victories and some large defeats in the recently concluded legislative session. (more…) Continue Reading →
Filed under: News, Bob Wilmouth, Don Jones, Ed Bartlett, Margie MacDonald, Mary McNally, Scott Sales, Steve Arveschoug
‘Lyin’ King’ featured at ‘SNL Helena’
With a tempting target in the White House and budget cuts looming, the “Saturday Night Live Helena” show took on added urgency this year. Helena thespians, singers and dancers put the show on every two years when the Montana Legislature is in session. The aim is to battle the perceived failings of state and national politics with one of the oldest of weapons: satire. This year’s show was reeled off in a snappy two hours, and if not every joke worked, no problem; another followed within seconds. Periodic news updates (Grizzly bears are reported fleeing public schools since the confirmation of Education Secretary Betsy DeVos) and parodied beer commercials for Goose Kill and Berkeley Pit IPA help held the disparate parts together. Continue Reading →
Filed under: Last Best Blog, Donald Trump, Elsie Arntzen, Myrna Loy Center, Sarah Palin, Scott Sales, Steve Bullock
Legislative Update: Monday, March 13
Senate blocks bicycle-friendly bill
By Freddy Monares
The Montana Senate blocked a bill that would have required vehicles going 35 mph to give cyclists three feet when passing, and five feet if traveling faster than 35 mph. House Bill 267 failed on a 24-to-26 vote. Senate President Scott Sales, R-Bozeman, opposed the bill. He says he does not want any more cyclists in the state and thinks there are too many of them as it is. “They’re some of the rudest people I’ve ever—I hate to say it, but I’m just going to be bold—they’re some of the most self-centered people navigating on highways, or on county roads I’ve ever seen. Continue Reading →
Filed under: Last Best Blog, Montana Legislature, Scott Sales
Only thing worse than Obamacare is … what?
The most important issue before Montana legislators this session isn’t really even on the agenda. And it’s not their fault.
The fate of health insurance for millions of Americans, and for tens of thousands of Montanans, rests in the hands of a Congress dominated by Republicans, who have vowed to repeal the Affordable Care Act, or Obamacare, as one of their first items of business when Donald Trump takes over as president. The GOP also has vowed to replace Obamacare, but that could take years. In the meantime, uncertainty could damage or even destroy insurance companies, and millions of people could lose insurance. This has left Montana lawmakers in a quandary. Continue Reading →
Filed under: Opinion, Affordable Care Act, Austin Knudsen, Obamacare, Scott Sales, Steve Bullock
From the Outpost: What it means to be ‘educated’
Before his death on Sunday, Lawrence F. Small was the living emblem of Rocky Mountain College. He taught history there for decades, served as dean and as president, founded the Institute for Peace Studies and literally wrote the book about Rocky, “Courageous Journey,” a history of the school. My mostly-on relationship with Rocky goes back 14 years, but that’s not how I knew Small. Instead, he was a member of the Geriatric Writers Kaffeeklatsch, whose Wednesday afternoon meetings I try to attend. (more…) Continue Reading →