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River group’s West End pond will be key trail connector


The Yellowstone River Parks Association is the proud owner of a new piece of property—a 12-acre pond in the middle of an 17.6-acre parcel of land just behind the giant Scheels store on Shiloh Road. Darryl Wilson, president of the YRPA, said the land was given to the group in December by developer Joel Long. Now a partner in Shiloh Crossing LLC, Long was the founder of the JTL Group, which was bought out in 1999 by Knife River, a subsidiary of MDU Resources Group. (more…) Continue Reading →

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For your viewing pleasure, new aerial photos of giant house

Big house

For no particular reason except that Marty Connell has kindly provided us with new aerial photos, we offer up—you guessed it!—new aerials photos of what is going to be the biggest house ever built in Yellowstone County. We have written about the big house before, so we won’t go into all the particulars again. Suffice it to say it will be a 26,000-square-foot castle-like abode with a bowling alley, home theater, indoor and outdoor swimming pools and a drawbridge. It is being built just northeast of the developed part of the Ironwood Subdivision. And no, we still don’t know who is going to live there, though rumors continue to fly and dozens of readers have told us who it is. Continue Reading →

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Outdoors overload on an indoor afternoon


September is usually the finest month of the year in Montana, and Saturday was a nearly perfect September day — blue, cloudless skies, a slight breeze and temperatures in the low to mid-70s. That’s why I joined several thousand other outdoor lovers and spent a good chunk of Saturday afternoon indoors — on opening day of the new Scheels, the retail behemoth, Montana’s latest temple of excess, the store that is not merely a store but a shopping experience. (more…) Continue Reading →

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