Riverbend Publishing

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New book celebrates Montana’s one-room schools


Last March, we ran a story about an exhibition of photographs taken at one-room schoolhouses all over Montana. The exhibit at MSU Billings documented the travels of Neil Chaput de Saintonge, a Missoula photographer, and Keith Graham, an associate professor of photojournalism at the University of Montana’s School of Journalism. (more…) Continue Reading →

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From early Yellowstone Park, a tale of greed and obsession


It turns out that stupid-people tricks in Yellowstone National Park—you know, people petting bison, taking selfies with bears, walking on thermal features—are not strictly a modern phenomenon. As Mike Stark makes plain in his new book, “Wrecked in Yellowstone,” things were even worse in the earliest days of the world’s first national park. (more…) Continue Reading →

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Biography of Flathead boxer now in paperback

Brian D’Ambrosio, a frequent contributor to Last Best News, is also the author of “Warrior in the Ring,” a biography of Flathead Indian boxer Marvin Camel. Brian tells me today is the day the book is being released in paperback. Here’s a link to the Riverbend Publishing page about the book. (Ignore the notice about the paperback being available Dec. 15; you can order it now.)

Here’s part of the publisher’s description of the book:

“In the Golden Age of boxing, Marvin Camel—a mixed blood from the Flathead Indian Reservation in Montana—defied all obstacles of race, poverty, and geographical isolation to become the first Native American to win a world boxing title. Continue Reading →

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