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Montana Viewpoint: Gianforte’s self-serving stance on taxes


You can tell a lot about what a nation values by looking at how it taxes different groups of people; are the rich favored over the middle class, for instance, or vice versa? You can also tell a lot about what group of people a candidate for office will represent by looking at his or her past stands on issues. Looking at U.S. House candidate Greg Gianforte’s past actions on Montana tax legislation, it appears he is most concerned with representing a small, select group of taxpayers, including himself. (more…) Continue Reading →

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Montana Ethic Project: How to foster high-tech industry


This is the 24th chapter of the 32-part video series “The Montana Ethic Project.” This chapter features Greg Gianforte, who was still with RightNow Technologies when this interview was conducted and who is now, of course, the Republican candidate for governor. He discusses the subject of “High Tech in Montana.” You can watch the whole video below. Here is an edited transcript of how it begins:

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Gianforte brings ‘Regulation Roundup’ tour to Billings


Greg Gianforte brought his Regulation Roundup tour to Billings on Monday to look for ways to save businesses from “death by a thousand cuts,” but most of those who showed up had bigger issues in mind. Billings was the sixth of 60 stops on the tour by the Republican candidate for governor. His goal, he said, is to find ways to reduce the regulatory burden on small businesses to help Montana improve its status as 49th in the country in average wages. (more…) Continue Reading →

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Gianforte ends non-suspense, announces run for governor


Well, it’s official: Greg Gianforte did not schedule a two-day, eight-city tour to announce that he wasn’t running for Montana governor. Instead, as expected, he opened his tour Wednesday morning in Lockwood by declaring himself a pragmatic, job-creating candidate for the Republican nomination in the race. (more…) Continue Reading →

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Montana Tech’s contentious commencement speaker also coming to Rocky


Bozeman billionaire Greg Gianforte, whose scheduled commencement speech at Montana Tech in Butte has prompted some students and teachers there to organize a boycott of the event, is also scheduled to speak at Rocky Mountain College’s commencement this spring. (more…) Continue Reading →

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