Rich Clawson

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Unstable rocks on Rims could loose ‘catastrophic’ flooding


Rich Clawson is convinced the city is going after the wrong rocks. Rather than taking down the “Santa Claus Rock” that towers over Sixth Avenue North, Clawson said, the city should be worried about unstable rocks, just four blocks west of Santa Claus, that could fall and plug the tunnel that carries the BBWA irrigation canal through the Rims. (more…) Continue Reading →

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Plans call for pulling over ‘Santa’ rock, to lie on Rims

A huge column of sandstone that towers over Sixth Avenue North is not going to be blown off the Rims with dynamite, as the “Monkey Face” formation over Zimmerman Trail was. City Engineer Debi Meling said it will be pulled over backward to lie on the rock shelf on which it is now perched. (more…) Continue Reading →

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