Red Ants Pants

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Red Ants grant aids ‘citizen science’ in Carter County


Thanks to a chance encounter in Baker, the Carter County Museum in Ekalaka will soon be the proud owner of a powerful microscope that will be used in a citizen project to study ancient insects and plants preserved in amber. Museum Director Sabre Moore ordered the microscope on Wednesday and expects to have it on-site in time for the museum’s flagship event—the Annual Dino Shindig on the last weekend of July. Moore bought the research tool after receiving a $4,300 check from the Red Ants Pants Foundation. (more…) Continue Reading →

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Project, symposium strengthen small businesses

Someone once said, “You don’t build a business, you build people. And the people build the business.”

In a state like Montana, where we are known around the world for our work ethic and hospitality, building up people and building relationships is the undisputed strength of our businesses. (more…) Continue Reading →

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Op-ed: Carrying Montana’s small-business voice to D.C.


I started Red Ants Pants out of necessity. I had no interest in being in business; I just needed work pants that fit. It is a huge honor that this entrepreneurial adventure is taking me to the White House for a second time, but I need your help. (more…) Continue Reading →

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