Admit it. You don’t know enough about the Better Care Reconciliation Act of 2017 to cast a well-considered vote on its merits. And neither do the people you elected to Congress. (more…) Continue Reading →
Planned Parenthood
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Punk bands unite to put on Planned Parenthood benefit
In November there was a shooting at a Planned Parenthood clinic, remember? In Colorado Springs, Colo., where four people died. That incident may have been buried in the slew of other shootings around the country. But let us focus here. As the man fired 20 shots from his semiautomatic rifle, he made remarks about “baby parts.” We can reasonably take these as a reference to a video released by an anti-Planned Parenthood group, which depicts Planned Parenthood workers dealing in the acquisition and exchange of fetal human body parts for profit. Continue Reading →