non-discrimination ordinance

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Hail, campaign fliers and wedding cakes

Time to answer some questions from our bulging mail sack. Dear Ed: My roof, car and RV were all wrecked by the recent hailstorm, which means I’ve got insurance checks totaling $17,000 coming in soon. Would it be wiser to get everything repaired or simply blow the money? — Larry “Lockwood” Carson

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The column that should have been written


Ed Kemmick is on vacation, visiting his granddaughter in a distant state, which means he won’t be writing his Prairie Lights column this week. Which is too bad, because Ed made the mistake of keeping up with the news in Billings while he was on the road. As stories dribbled out about the City Council’s marathon meeting Tuesday night, Ed became more and more outraged, as well as somewhat despondent, which is the last thing he expected to be on a vacation to see his granddaughter. (more…) Continue Reading →

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Guest Opinion: Wearily waiting for justice from City Council

The arc of social justice bends slowly but surely toward inclusion. In Billings, in the case of a prospective non-discrimination ordinance, the “slowly” part is evident for all to see. The “surely”? I don’t know that anyone who attended the Monday meeting of the City Council or spoke in favor of an ordinance has much confidence in that today. (more…) Continue Reading →

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