National Geographic

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New book on Yellowstone Grizzly 399 is a real-life thriller


I need to warn you upfront: In a riveting new non-fiction book by Bozeman writer Todd Wilkinson, grizzly bears and people die tragically at the hands of each other. “Grizzlies of Pilgrim Creek, An Intimate Portrait of 399, the Most Famous Bear of Greater Yellowstone” is a real-life thriller and until the final page, we readers don’t know who the next casualty will be. But we hope it won’t be 399, who brings added meaning to the role of ursine motherhood. (more…) Continue Reading →

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National Geographic takes a shine to another John Warner pic


I feel compelled once again to let you all know that John Warner has been singled out for plaudits by National Geographic, this time for his incredible photograph of a winter-bound beaver at Lake Elmo State Park, which appeared on Last Best News in December. It is featured as the Photo of the Day by National Geographic for Feb. 26, 2015. John was also kind enough to have a bit of fun with the photo, which turned into Last Best News’ digital Christmas card:

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