Montana Legislature

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Legislative Update: Monday, Feb. 13

Bill would allow food sales from private kitchens
By Cole Grant
A bill in the Montana Legislature would allow Montanans to sell food out of their own kitchens, either directly to customers or for community social events, like weddings or potlucks. Rep. Greg Hertz, R-Polson, is carrying House Bill 352, or the Montana Local Food Choice Act. (more…) Continue Reading →

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Death penalty, Columbus Day debated in Helena


HELENA — A bill that would have abolished the death penalty in Montana was narrowly voted down in committee last week on a 9-10 vote. House Bill 366, sponsored by Rep. Adam Hertz, R-Missoula, would have replaced a death sentence with life imprisonment without the possibility of parole. (more…) Continue Reading →

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Bills aim to diversify income for farmers, allow direct sales


HELENA — Montana farmers may soon face fewer regulations when it comes to diversifying their farm’s income if three bills in the Montana Legislature find enough support. One bill, House Bill 325 would legalize the direct sale of raw milk. Another, House Bill 352, would allow farmers to sell food from their own kitchens and a third bill would give them less liability when their farmland is used for tourism purposes. (more…) Continue Reading →

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Legislative Update: Thursday, Feb. 9


Treatment for 1st-time drug offenders? By Freddy Monares
First-time drug offenders in Montana are currently not given the option to enter residential treatment facilities in the state. House Bill 278 would give judges the option to defer these first-time offenders to a live-in treatment facility, or rehab center, rather than putting them on probation. Rep. Matt Regier, R-Kalispell, is the sponsor of the bill. “If we wait multiple times down the road that they’re failing, before, ‘Ok, now we’re going to give you meaningful treatment,’ they’re just that much further down that road,” Regier said. Continue Reading →

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Legislative Update: Wednesday, Feb. 8

A new name for Columbus Day? By Cole Grant
Lawmakers in Helena are considering changing the name of Columbus Day to Montana Heritage Day. Many proponents of House Bill 322, including Rep. Bridget Smith, D-Wolf Point, say part of the bill is about correcting misinformation about the discovery of America. “As awareness grows in the age of information, hope grows also,” she said. “The celebration of oppression must end.”

There was no opposition to the bill at the House State Administration Committee hearing Wednesday morning. Continue Reading →

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Opinion: Historical society upgrades are long overdue


Gov. Steve Bullock’s request to the current Legislature to expand and upgrade the 65-year-old Montana Historical Society facility has been misrepresented by some as unneeded “pork. “ This characterization is both wrong and ridiculous. Fortunately, however, members of both political parties recognize the real and critical need to care for and provide access to priceless collections belonging to the people of Montana and provide continuing economic development—jobs during construction and development of enhanced tourism dollars in the future. (more…) Continue Reading →

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Legislative Update: Monday, Feb. 6

Bill would end Montana’s death penalty
By Cole Grant
House Bill 366 would get rid of the death penalty in Montana and replace it with life in prison without the possibility of parole. “The death penalty system, like so many government programs, is wasteful, ineffective, and unjust,” said bill sponsor Rep. Adam Hertz, R-Missoula. Many of the bill’s proponents, including lawmakers, faith leaders and a former death row inmate, argued the death penalty costs too much money, is morally wrong and takes up too much time in the court system. But Rep. Seth Berglee, R-Joliet, says he generally supports the death penalty. “I think in the justice system, it’s not just about cost,” he said. Continue Reading →

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Legislative Update: Thursday, Feb. 2

Governor issues first veto of session
By Freddy Monares
Gov. Steve Bullock has vetoed the first bill of the 2017 Montana legislative session and offered up an amendment to decrease a raise in legislator pay. House Bill 1 would have increased the legislators’ pay by 14 percent for the next legislative session. Bullock amended the bill with an increase of only 1.4 percent, to coincide with the rate of inflation. He says the state needs to “live within its means.”

“At the same time that we’re tightening the belt of the rest of government, the legislative branch sent me a bill to increase the spending of their branch of government by 14 percent,” Bullock said. Republican Rep. Nancy Ballance said she was blindsided by the veto. Continue Reading →

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Legislative Update: Wednesday, Feb.1


Legislators hear State of the Tribal Nations address
By Freddy Monares
Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribal Chairman Vernon Finley asked legislators at the State of the Tribal Nations address in the Montana House chambers Wednesday to remember their collective history. He said he’s proud that despite national rhetoric, legislators are able to shake hands and disagree. (more…) Continue Reading →

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