Michael Gray

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Panelists tell of racism, talk about ways to bring change


At panel discussion about racism Tuesday night, Jerry Clark said he didn’t think about race growing up in Barbados, where he and most everyone else was of African heritage. He said he learned about racism when he moved to South Florida at the age of 15, and then more formally during his years at college. When he moved to Billings, where he works for RiverStone Health, he said, he learned about another aspect of racial prejudice. (more…) Continue Reading →

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Good time had by all at ethically questionable repast


The verdict is in: members of the McKinley neighborhood book club were quite pleased with their meal from Zpizza. Opinions were mixed, however, on this month’s book selection. No one seemed entirely satisfied with Donna Tartt’s “The Secret History,” despite its best-seller status, and at least one member had nothing good to say about it. (more…) Continue Reading →

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