Leo Hudetz

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A fine tribute to Joe Medicine Crow on his 101st birthday

Medicine Crow

A really fine profile of Joseph Medicine Crow was posted today—on the occasion of Medicine Crow’s 101st birthday—at Al Jazeera America. His story is familiar to most people in this part of the world, but this is the most comprehensive piece I’ve read about him, and it seems to capture his personality very well. The story was written by Mary Hudetz, a native of Crow Agency and editor-in-chief of Native Peoples Magazine. Here’s a bit more from her profile at the website of the Native American Journalists Association, of which she is president:

“She is a former editor on The Associated Press’ West Regional Desk in Phoenix, where she filed national breaking news and daily stories on broad range of topics and events in the West. She also worked closely with a team of reporters to develop stories specifically about Native issues and communities.” Continue Reading →

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