Kevin Nelson

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High court tosses citizen-watchdog’s suit against city


A Billings man’s attempt to compel the city of Billings and its insurer to release all information relating to a $1.6 million judgment paid to a former police officer has been rejected by the Montana Supreme Court. In an opinion issued Wednesday, six members of the court upheld Yellowstone County District Judge Michael Moses’ summary judgment in favor of the city and its insurer, the Montana Municipal Interlocal Authority. (more…) Continue Reading →

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Hundreds of meetings later, open-government advocate to be honored

Kevin Nelson

Kevin Nelson was more than a little surprised when he learned that he would be the first recipient of the Making Democracy Work Award from the League of Women Voters of Billings. “The first thing I said after ‘thanks’ was, ‘I didn’t think anybody was listening,’” Nelson said. (more…) Continue Reading →

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