Jon Ebelt

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Health department gets creative in denying data requests

It’s been 259 days and the Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services continues to drag its feet fulfilling a public records request the Montana Center for Investigative Reporting originally submitted last Oct. 29, asking for newborn screening records. Getting answers to questions about Montana’s newborn screening program and its performance has been a daunting task. Why are the DPHHS and local hospitals so reluctant to release information? (more…) Continue Reading →

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Stuck at Warm Springs: Patients’ rights under scrutiny

Warm Springs

An unknown number of non-criminal patients at Montana’s overcrowded state mental institution are stuck in limbo awaiting transfer to less restrictive facilities. The law says mental health patients must be held in the least restrictive setting possible. But even after Montana State Hospital civil patients have stabilized enough that mental-health staff clear them for transfer to less institutional treatment centers in or nearer their home communities, some patients report being delayed at the Warm Springs campus for months at a time. (more…) Continue Reading →

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