High Plains Heritage Project

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Bakken documentarians post film trailer

The High Plains Heritage Project, which we have written about before, has a new video up, a seven-minute trailer for the documentary film the project team is planning to release next year. Besides being very well done from an artistic standpoint, the documentary looks as though it will live up to the reporting team’s stated goal of presenting a balanced, nuanced look at the immense changes sweeping the Bakken oil regions of Eastern Montana and North Dakota. In this trailer, there is the good and the bad, the ugly and the beautiful, lots of history and lots of looking ahead, and close-up examinations of what’s happening to the people and the land right now. Elsewhere on the HPHP’s Vimeo page is a link to 10 other short videos that were created in the course of the team’s reporting forays. This is all extremely promising stuff. Continue Reading →

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