Fort Smith

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User group says BuRec damaging the Bighorn River


A group of Bighorn River water users issued a report Thursday that raps the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation for managing the Yellowtail Dam in ways that have cost taxpayers, farmers, ranchers and the fishing economy tens of millions of dollars. The report, “River at Risk,” was prepared by the Bighorn River Alliance, a nonprofit group that gives its mission as advocating for the wellbeing and balanced management of the Bighorn River. (more…) Continue Reading →

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Good advice: There’s no bad weather, only bad clothing


“Mark wanted desperately to climb the Eiger, while I wanted desperately to have climbed the Eiger.” — Jon Krakauer

Winter fly fishing in Montana is a recreational pursuit filled with beauty and solitude, a time when the angler can unfurl the wings of his soul and enjoy the untrammeled splendor of nature. OK, so I’m trying really hard to sell this. I’m a fly shop owner with cash flow issues in the winter. (more…) Continue Reading →

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Evel who? Meet Montana’s unsung motorcycle hero


If there were any justice in this world, Gregory Frazier would be as famous as that other Montana motorcyclist, the late Robert Knievel. Frazier, who lives in Fort Smith when he’s not on his motorcycle, is not a daredevil in the traditional sense of the term, meaning he doesn’t jump over cars, buses or gorges. But it takes a different kind of guts, and incredible doggedness, to do what Frazier has done on a motorcycle. (more…) Continue Reading →

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