Drake Smith

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Billings couple sends art aloft, lifting spirits in the process


For part of Terry Zee Lee’s childhood, her family lived near the Pacific Ocean in Oregon. She and her three sisters and her brother would often spend the whole day playing on the beach. Their mother, who wanted to keep an eye on them but had things to do, would tie a kite string to each child’s wrist, so that they were all tethered to kites soaring above the beach. Their mother could do her work around the house while periodically looking out the window and counting kites. You might say that Lee has been attached to kites ever since. Continue Reading →

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TEDxBillings: ‘Out of the box’ ideas from all over the map


The Rev. Michael Mulberry is passionate about food, but in ways most people most likely have never considered. He considers food from both a political and a spiritual perspective, looking at what we do to the earth and to ourselves in the growing and the eating of it. Along the way, he talks about immigration and the prophet Daniel and Daniel’s refusal to eat “the king’s meat.” He talks about the abundance and diversity of food promised by God in Genesis, about agricultural practices, “food deserts” and victory gardens. (more…) Continue Reading →

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