David Clarke

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National Review slams Clarke’s comments

I’m not the only one who thinks former Sheriff David Clarke is a terrible representative of the conservative movement. I wrote a column suggesting that Yellowstone County Republicans had disgraced themselves by inviting Clarke to speak at their annual dinner, and then I wrote that Clarke proved his unworthiness with his comments on the school shooting in Florida. A writer for the National Review, which was the conscience of the Republican Party when the party still had a conscience, said much the same thing, but in even harsher terms:

“First it was the Holocaust, now Parkland — is there any act of depravity to which the less respectable right-wing media cannot imagine a connection for George Soros? “David Clarke, the sheriff of Fox News, insisted that the Florida students’ reaction to the shooting ‘has GEORGE SOROS’ FINGERPRINTS all over it,’ idiotic capitalization in the original and, one assumes, in his soul.” The writer, Kevin D. Williamson, correctly identifies the rot as starting at the head, in the form of President Trump, and he says, “When people get used to hearing prominent conservatives lying about their opponents, it makes it easier for honest and fair-minded people to dismiss conservative arguments and conservative claims out of hand.” Continue Reading →

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Ex-sheriff Clarke at it again


More evidence that Yellowstone County Republicans, by inviting former Milwaukee Sheriff David Clarke to speak at the Lincoln Reagan Day Dinner, made a choice that was wildly inappropriate, at best. The Hill is reporting that Clarke “insinuated Wednesday that student survivors of the Parkland, Fla., shooting were being manipulated by Democratic billionaire George Soros to organize for gun control.” But nowadays, the race to the bottom occurs at dizzying speeds. It turns out that Clarke’s comments weren’t the worst ones out there. The same story says various right-wing websites are claiming that Florida high school students who have appeared on CNN are actually “crisis actors” paid to “exploit the shootings for nefarious purposes.” Continue Reading →

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