Dave Hagstrom

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Community group has big plans for old labor temple


Eric Basye was expecting as many as 80 volunteers to come down to the old Labor Temple Hall on South 29th Street on Saturday for what he’s calling “our first official demo day.”

Basye is the director of Community Leadership and Development Inc., a Christian organization that works on the South Side of Billings under the slogan “Rebuilding Lives, Restoring Families, Re-Neighboring Communities.” (more…) Continue Reading →

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South Side charity group doing good, staying put


Driving around the South Side of Billings with Eric Basye, you can hardly go a block or two before he points out a project his organization has been involved in. Near South Park are three of its duplexes, all rental units. A few blocks away is a dilapidated house, recently purchased and ready for renovation. He points out a few more rental units, and then a house that was moved into the neighborhood from the medical corridor. (more…) Continue Reading →

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