Courtney Lowery Cowgill

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Last Best News celebrates first birthday


Today is the first birthday of Last Best News, launched on Feb. 1, 2014. I’d like to shoot off fireworks from the Rims, buy everyone in Eastern Montana a drink or maybe have one of those airplanes pulling a banner fly across the state for a few days, but I’ve got a bunch of stories to write, so probably not. (more…) Continue Reading →

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Last Best News magnate is interviewee for a change

Way back in 2005, I appeared in a panel discussion on blogging at the Festival of the Book in Missoula. Others on the panel were John Clayton, of Red Lodge, and Patia Stephens and Courtney Lowery, both of Missoula. Courtney, now Lowery Cowgill, was then working for NewWest, a pioneer in digital journalism. The site, alas, did not survive, but while it lasted Courtney was its animating spirt and consistently its best writer. She is now working on a farm, raising children and somehow serving as managing editor of PBS MediaShift, in which role she conducted an email interview with me about Last Best News. The result was posted this morning. Continue Reading →

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