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State lawmakers urged to oppose anti-Muslim bill


The nation’s largest Muslim civil rights organization has sent a letter to 22 Montana legislators and the House Judiciary Committee, calling on the governing body to oppose an anti-Muslim bill poised for consideration. In the first month of Montana’s 2017 Legislature, Rep. Keith Regier, R-Kalispell, introduced a bill banning Sharia law to uphold the “fundamental rights guaranteed by our constitution.” (more…) Continue Reading →

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Opinion: How to make the Electoral College work


Start with history. The framers stipulated that electors vote for two persons, with the first and second top vote-getters certified by the Senate as president and vice president. It seemed elegant until the framers were forced to recognize that when electors vote for two people in one go, the executive branch might split between rivals. (more…) Continue Reading →

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Prairie Lights: To flag-wavers of all stripes—I surrender


I was driving down Grand Avenue when my windshield was suddenly awash in Old Glory. I did a quick look-see in the rearview mirror, ascertained that the right lane was clear and swerved over before I ran into something. Then I saw the problem: A big, black Ford F-250 was flying two American flags so enormous that they trailed more than a car length behind the bed of the truck. (more…) Continue Reading →

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