Clean Power Plan

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Montanans will testify on Clean Power Plan repeal


Montana is on the front lines of some of the worst impacts caused by the changing climate. Large, intense wildfires are incredibly expensive to fight, limit our outdoor opportunities, keep tourists away and impact the health of thousands upon thousands of Montanans, especially the young and the elderly.  (more…) Continue Reading →

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Opinion: Making the case for coal


As home to some of our nation’s largest coal reserves, Montana plays a key role in the future of our nation’s energy economy. Unfortunately, Montana coal production has declined significantly in recent years—by as much as a third. This decline took a toll not only on jobs across the state but on essential state tax revenue too. (more…) Continue Reading →

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Faith leaders urge support for clean-power initiative


Many denominations advocate for care of God’s creation. Our plea urges not only an observance of ethics, but recognition of scientific proof. We agree with the overwhelming majority of climate scientists (97 percent). As climate scientist Katherine Heyhoe, wife of an evangelical pastor, explains: “The earth is warming and we are causing it.”

Is your denomination one of those faiths? Find out by scrolling down at:

You’ll see links to:  the pope and many Catholics; the 345-member World Council of Churches; Rick Warren, author of “A Purpose Driven Life,” and hundreds of other Evangelical leaders; Episcopalians; Jews; Lutherans and their LWF; Methodists;  Presbyterians; Southern Baptists; the United Church of Christ; and 10 other individual denominations or churches. Continue Reading →

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Humans of New York inspires series of oil and gas profiles


A Billings-based environmental group has taken to social media to spread stories of Westerners whose lives have been touched by oil and gas development. Still in its early stages, the experiment appears to be a budding success. In just two months, the Living with Oil and Gas project has attracted more than 2,200 likes on Facebook and more than 400 followers each on Twitter and Instagram. (more…) Continue Reading →

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Opinion: Why the renewable-energy initiative makes sense


Brad Molnar ended The Billings Outpost’s run with an op-ed that demeaned ballot Initiative 180. We were exasperated by how little he faced facts. I-180 would require Montana’s Investor Owned Utilities (IOUs) to gradually supply 80 percent of their power from “eligible renewable resources.” That includes wind, sun, geothermal or post-2005 additions to hydroelectric facilities. (more…) Continue Reading →

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David Crisp: Journalists not doing jobs in presidential race


At no other time in recent memory have the media been so relentlessly pummeled in a presidential election. So let’s pile on. Why? Because if you have diligently followed the presidential campaigns on television, then you have seen hundreds of hours of coverage of candidate after candidate. And, chances are, you still know very little about their actual positions on issues. Continue Reading →

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Former oil exec urges united action on climate change


A self-described Republican and former climate change skeptic says Americans must now take the fight against global warming as seriously as they did World War II. “We, united, can do it,” she said Wednesday. “But we have to get united, and we have to realize that this is a war footing.” (more…) Continue Reading →

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