Clayton Christian

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Opinion: For MSU Billings, the day of reckoning has come

MSUB Main Hall

The impending departure of Montana State University Billings Chancellor Mark Nook to become the president of the University of Northern Iowa raises the question of whether Montana and Billings are really invested in the future and success of MSU Billings. In the past decade, MSUB has had four chancellors, four provosts and four deans of the College of Business. It also saw the departure of a long-time director of libraries. The MSU Billings Foundation has its third president in three years. (more…) Continue Reading →

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Athlete’s privacy rights debated in Krakauer’s high court hearing

The Montana Supreme Court on Wednesday heard oral arguments in a case that pits the public’s right to know against a student’s right to privacy, and whether a lower court erred in granting author Jon Krakauer access to the student’s disciplinary records. Krakauer is seeking records pertaining to the 2012 disciplinary proceedings of Jordan Johnson, the former starting quarterback for the University of Montana football team. The proceedings found Johnson guilty of rape and ordered him expelled from school. Commissioner of Higher Education Clayton Christian overturned the decision, however, and Johnson was never expelled. He was later found not guilty in Missoula District Court. Continue Reading →

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