Charlie Smillie

Recent Posts

On the record, Ward 1: Two challenge incumbent

Two people are challenging Billings City Councilman Mike Yakawich, the incumbent in Ward 1, in the primary election. Ballots were mailed out Aug. 25 for the primary election. For this mail-in-only election, all ballots must be mailed back to or brought into the Yellowstone County Elections Department by 8 p.m. on Tuesday, Sept. 12. Continue Reading →

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‘Wilderness Walks’ unveil beauty of Eastern Montana

A hike into Bitter Creek

Starting this Sunday and continuing through the end of September, a series of “Wilderness Walks” will be offered at 10 locations in Eastern Montana and northern Wyoming. You could probably tell what part of Montana many of these walks are in just by glancing at their names: Bitter Creek, West Crooked Creek, Terry Badlands, Tongue River Breaks and Chain Buttes. A lot of the places are spectacular, but in subtler ways than places like Paradise Valley or Glacier National Park are spectacular. (more…) Continue Reading →

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Map offers comprehensive, enticing guide to SE Montana


Karen Stevenson remembers talking to a Miles City Economic Development Council class this winter in Miles City about the Buttes, Breaks, and Badlands map published last fall by the Montana Wilderness Association. Subtitled “Off the Beaten Path in Southeast Montana,” the two-sided map pinpoints dozens of parks, wildland areas, camping, hiking and birding locales, historic sites, areas of geologic and paleontological interest, battle sites, museums, restaurants and watering holes from Roundup to Alzada and Belfry to Sidney. (more…) Continue Reading →

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