Charlie Hebdo

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You fight fire with fire, you only get burned


When I was in high school in Minnesota in the 1970s, Mr. Manion, my friend’s father, used to brag about how he sent a portion of every paycheck to a strongly religious overseas terrorist organization. Oddly enough, the only other thing I remember hearing him brag about was having met Sen. Joe McCarthy, the serial fabulist and anti-Communist crusader from Wisconsin. (“Kiss the hand that shook the hand,” Mr. Manion liked to say.) (more…) Continue Reading →

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Many Charlie Hebdos in U.S. history


Asked about Monty Python’s sometimes offensive humor, John Cleese once replied, “There are some people one rather wishes to offend.”

Quite so. In the same way, there also are people one would prefer not to offend, at least not without good cause. (more…) Continue Reading →

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Echoes of Montana history heard in Hebdo slaying


How incredibly sharp have become the edges of the two-sided sword we call freedom of speech. Like most of the world, I received the news of what happened at the offices of Charlie Hebdo with a sense of extreme shock and sadness. But this was different. Because it was also coupled with something that I have not fallen prey to much when it comes to world events. I felt a profound sense of fear. Continue Reading →

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