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Montana Viewpoint: Calendars change, but time still flies


This is the time of year when we start thinking about, well, time. If you are reading this, you are wondering why time passes so quickly. Many of those who are not reading this—because they haven’t learned how to read yet—are wondering why it passes so slowly. There are students who wonder how a school year can be an eternity and a summer vacation gone in an eye-blink, and then there are some of us who must have too much time on our hands because we are actually spending some of it wondering about this. (more…) Continue Reading →

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Photo Gallery: Shrines of the South Side


My dogs and I spend a lot of time walking on the South Side, where we all find much to interest us. I don’t think the variety of olfactory data is any thicker on the South Side than elsewhere in town, but my dogs certainly keep busy on our strolls. With their snouts an inch or so off the ground, they move their heads from side to side like minesweepers, occasionally pouncing on a fragment of food or a scrap of unrecognizable organic matter. (more…) Continue Reading →

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