Bighorn River Alliance

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BuRec official, others dispute claims from river group


The Montana area manager for the federal Bureau of Reclamation has taken issue with a report critical of the bureau’s management of Yellowtail Dam on the Bighorn River. As we reported last week, the Bighorn River Alliance released a report saying BuRec’s operation of the dam has greatly damaged the world-class fishery below the dam and has also been injurious to farmers, ranchers, landowners and taxpayers. (more…) Continue Reading →

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User group says BuRec damaging the Bighorn River


A group of Bighorn River water users issued a report Thursday that raps the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation for managing the Yellowtail Dam in ways that have cost taxpayers, farmers, ranchers and the fishing economy tens of millions of dollars. The report, “River at Risk,” was prepared by the Bighorn River Alliance, a nonprofit group that gives its mission as advocating for the wellbeing and balanced management of the Bighorn River. (more…) Continue Reading →

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