Big Sky Rising

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Billings marchers will join others around state, world


Women’s marches are being organized across the state and around the world this Saturday, a year after huge crowds turned out last January on the day after President Donald Trump’s inauguration. State Sen. Jen Gross, D-Billings, a co-coordinator of the Montana Women’s March Billings, said last year’s Women’s March on Montana, which drew an estimated 10,000 people to Helena, was powerfully exciting. (more…) Continue Reading →

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‘Community Dialogue on Race’ set for Tuesday


Last summer, after violent confrontations broke out in Charlottesville, Va., where white supremacists gathered to protest the planned removal of a statue of Robert E. Lee, Kari Kaiser was talking to a friend who also belonged to the Billings Rises group. Billings Rises was part of Big Sky Rising, which Kaiser described as a “volunteer army of concerned citizens” who came together after the 2016 election to encourage civic engagement and activism. (more…) Continue Reading →

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Trump sparks women’s interest in politics

The election of President Trump has sparked an outpouring of interest by women in running for political office, a sociology professor said here this week. Speaking in the final lecture in the Frontiers of Democracy series at Montana State University Billings, Joy Honea said that enrollment in the “Getting Ready to Run” training offered by Emily’s List has increased 300 percent since the election. Emily’s List, which encourages pro-choice Democratic women to run for office, has had 10,000 calls since the election from women interested in running for office. An estimated 86 percent of members of Daily Action are women. The group, founded in December, logs some 10,000 calls a day to members of Congress seeking progressive change. Continue Reading →

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