
GOP Senate hopefuls sound off on major issues

Four Montana Republicans are running in the June 5 primary election for a chance to unseat Montana’s senior U.S. Senator, Democrat Jon Tester, in the Nov. 6 general election. The Montana Free Press surveyed the four candidates to see where they stand on 10 key issues. The candidates were asked to respond in 50 words or less to each question. Below are their responses, edited only for length and style. Continue Reading →

BugBytes: A close look at some baby bugs (and butts)


Welcome back, bug fans. With spring slowly suffusing back into the soggy, snow-flattened earth, and an army of winged, nectar-starved beasts in its wake, you might, rightly, be asking, “Hey, Bug Gal! where the hell have you been?!”

The answer: unofficial maternity leave. That’s right. Last summer bore witness to the arrival of our own little bug, whom we affectionately refer to as the “little ‘wig.”

The moniker owes its origins to a moment of What-Would-David Attenborough-Do inspiration that compelled us to reveal the baby’s sex by forcing our loved ones to study a photograph of an earwig’s caboose. Continue Reading →

Voices from the Valley: Gwen Kircher


Voices from the Valley is an occasional series of conversations between Sherri Cornett and Billings-area leaders who are committed to creating a vibrant community for all. 

Gwen Kircher’s life experiences have given her much to share. Our conversation flowed quickly, from being good neighbors to policy making, to history, race and class. All of these topics appertain to her roles as the current chair of the Montana Advisory Committee to the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights and a past member of the Billings Human Relations Commission. Continue Reading →