
‘Future of coal’ conference set for Billings in April


The “Future of Coal” will be the subject of a conference hosted by the Burton K. Wheeler Center on Friday, April 6, at the Northern Hotel in Billings.

The daylong event will bring together leading experts and the best available information on the topic as participants examine and consider the future of coal and, more broadly, energy development in the state of Montana.  Continue Reading →

Montana Viewpoint: Trump could learn from Truman


As a fourth-grader, when the siren heralded the air raid drill I dutifully crawled under my desk and put my hands over my head and didn’t move until the all-clear sounded. During the Cuban missile crisis in 1962 I was as scared as anybody that the Russians were going to bomb us to oblivion and vice-versa.

Now, with North Korea and Russia and the United States bragging about their nuclear capacity, I mostly just hope for the best because there’s not a thing I can do about it.  Continue Reading →

High court tosses citizen-watchdog’s suit against city


A Billings man’s attempt to compel the city of Billings and its insurer to release all information relating to a $1.6 million judgment paid to a former police officer has been rejected by the Montana Supreme Court.

In an opinion issued Wednesday, six members of the court upheld Yellowstone County District Judge Michael Moses’ summary judgment in favor of the city and its insurer, the Montana Municipal Interlocal Authority. Continue Reading →